Asthma Control Quiz

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation of the airways, which can lead to recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

Asthma is a widespread condition, affecting about 1 in 13 people in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Understanding and managing asthma is crucial for maintaining a good quality of life. This article will provide you with comprehensive information about asthma, its control, and introduce you to our “Asthma Control Quiz,” designed to help you assess your asthma control level.

Asthma Control Quiz [25 Questions]

Our Asthma Control Quiz is a simple yet powerful tool to assess how well you are managing your asthma. It consists of a series of 25 questions related to your asthma symptoms, medication usage, and overall well-being. By answering these questions honestly, you’ll gain a better understanding of your current asthma control status.

Who Is This Test For?

Our Asthma Control Quiz is for anyone who has been diagnosed with asthma or suspects they may have the condition. It is especially useful for individuals who want to evaluate their current asthma management and make informed decisions about their health.

Is This Asthma Quiz Accurate?

This quiz-based Asthma Test is designed to provide a general assessment of your asthma control. While it can give you valuable insights, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation of your asthma and personalized treatment recommendations.

Why Is It Worth Taking?

Taking our Asthma Control Quiz is worth your time because it can help you identify areas where your asthma management may need improvement. Understanding your asthma control level can empower you to work closely with your healthcare team to optimize your treatment plan and lead a healthier, symptom-free life.

Below, You’ll Find a 25-Question Quiz Designed to Help You Assess Your Asthma Control Level, Evaluate Your Management Skills, and Identify Areas for Improvement. To Obtain the Most Accurate Results, Please Answer Each Question Honestly.

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Upon completing the Asthma Control Quiz, you will receive a score indicating your level of asthma control. This score will help you gauge whether your asthma is well-managed or if you may need to make adjustments to your treatment plan.

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How Do I Self-Check For Asthma?

As part of the self-check, here are 10 self-assessment questions to consider:

  • How often do you experience wheezing?
  • Are you frequently short of breath?
  • Do you experience chest tightness?
  • How often do you cough, especially at night or early in the morning?
  • Are your asthma symptoms interfering with your daily activities?
  • Are you using your rescue inhaler more often than recommended?
  • Have you had any recent asthma-related emergency room visits?
  • Do you have known triggers that worsen your asthma symptoms?
  • Are you taking your prescribed asthma medications as directed?
  • Are you aware of and have you discussed your asthma action plan with your healthcare provider?

Causes Of Asthma

Asthma is a complex condition with several contributing factors. While the exact cause of asthma remains unclear, it is believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The following are some of the main causes and contributing factors associated with asthma:

  • Genetic Factors: Genetics plays a significant role in asthma. If you have a family history of asthma or other allergic conditions like hay fever or eczema, you may be at a higher risk of developing asthma.
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions to certain substances, known as allergens, can trigger asthma symptoms. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold, and cockroach droppings.
  • Respiratory Infections: Viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold, can increase the risk of developing asthma, especially in children.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to environmental pollutants and irritants, such as tobacco smoke, air pollution, and strong odors, can contribute to asthma or exacerbate existing symptoms.
  • Occupational Exposures: Some workplace environments expose individuals to irritants or allergens that can lead to occupational asthma. Jobs involving exposure to dust, chemicals, or fumes may increase the risk.
  • Physical Activity: In some cases, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or exercise-induced asthma can occur during or after physical activity, particularly in cold or dry conditions.
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus can worsen asthma symptoms, especially at night.
  • Early Childhood Infections: Respiratory infections during infancy or early childhood can influence the development of asthma.
  • Stress and Emotional Factors: Stress and strong emotions can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals.
  • Obesity: Obesity is associated with an increased risk of asthma, and it can worsen asthma symptoms in those who already have the condition.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and beta-blockers, can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms in some individuals.

It’s important to note that asthma is a complex and individualized condition, and what triggers symptoms in one person may not affect another. Identifying and managing these causes and triggers are essential steps in controlling and preventing asthma symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms

Asthma symptoms can vary from person to person, and they may range from mild to severe. The most common signs and symptoms of asthma include:

  • Shortness of Breath: Individuals with asthma often experience shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or at night.
  • Wheezing: Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs when breathing. It is a classic asthma symptom and typically occurs during exhalation.
  • Coughing: Persistent coughing, especially at night or early in the morning, is a common asthma symptom. The cough may be dry or produce mucus.
  • Chest Tightness: People with asthma may feel a sensation of tightness or pressure in the chest, which can be uncomfortable or painful.
  • Increased Mucus Production: Asthma can lead to increased production of mucus in the airways, further contributing to coughing and difficulty breathing.
  • Difficulty Breathing: Asthma can make it challenging to breathe, and individuals may experience a feeling of breathlessness or air hunger.
  • Symptoms Worsening at Night or Early Morning: Many people with asthma find that their symptoms worsen during nighttime or early morning hours, making it difficult to sleep.
  • Triggers: Asthma symptoms can be triggered by various factors, such as allergens (e.g., pollen, dust mites), respiratory infections, smoke, cold air, exercise, or exposure to irritants (e.g., strong odors or chemicals).

These signs and symptoms may vary in intensity and frequency for different individuals with asthma. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical evaluation and guidance for proper diagnosis and management.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that can be effectively managed with various treatment approaches. The goal of asthma treatment is to control symptoms, prevent asthma attacks, and maintain good lung function. Treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s specific needs and may include the following components:


  • Bronchodilators: These medications help relax the muscles around the airways, making it easier to breathe.
  • Inhaled Corticosteroids: These anti-inflammatory medications reduce airway inflammation and are a cornerstone of long-term asthma control. They help prevent asthma symptoms and reduce the risk of exacerbations.
  • Leukotriene Modifiers: These medications block the action of substances that cause airway inflammation, reducing asthma symptoms.
  • Biologics: For severe asthma, biologic therapies may be prescribed to target specific immune pathways involved in asthma. These treatments are typically administered via injection.

Allergy Management

Identifying and avoiding allergens that trigger asthma symptoms is essential. This may involve making changes in your home environment, such as using allergen-proof covers on pillows and mattresses, reducing exposure to pet dander, and minimizing indoor air pollutants.

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity can help improve lung function and overall health. Work with your healthcare provider to develop an exercise plan that suits your needs.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce asthma symptoms, as obesity is associated with more severe asthma.

Asthma Action Plan

Your healthcare provider will work with you to create a personalized asthma action plan. This plan outlines how to manage asthma on a day-to-day basis and what steps to take in case of worsening symptoms or an asthma attack.

Regular Monitoring

Monitoring your lung function with a peak flow meter or spirometry can help track asthma control and guide treatment adjustments.


Getting recommended vaccinations, including an annual flu shot and the pneumonia vaccine, is important for people with asthma to prevent respiratory infections that can trigger symptoms.

Emergency Medications

In case of a severe asthma attack, having quick-relief medications on hand, such as a short-acting bronchodilator (e.g., albuterol), is essential.

Self-Help Tips

Here are some self-help tips for managing asthma:

  • Create an asthma action plan with your healthcare provider.
  • Identify and avoid asthma triggers.
  • Take your medications as prescribed.
  • Monitor your peak flow regularly.
  • Stay physically active.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Stay informed about asthma management.

Asthma treatment is individualized, and the specific medications and strategies used will depend on the severity of your asthma, triggers, and other health factors. It’s crucial to work closely with your healthcare provider to develop and maintain an effective asthma management plan.


Asthma is a chronic condition that requires careful management to lead a healthy, symptom-free life. Our Asthma Control Quiz is a valuable tool to assess your current level of control and take proactive steps to improve it. Remember that asthma management should always be discussed with your healthcare provider to ensure the best possible care for your unique situation.

Take the Asthma Control Quiz today and embark on your journey to better asthma management.

Article Tags: Asthma quiz, Asthma control test, Asthma control quiz, Asthma self-assessment, Asthma symptom checker, Asthma questionnaire, Asthma severity test, Assessing asthma symptoms, Asthma management assessment, Asthma risk assessment, Asthma diagnosis quiz, Asthma Causes, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Asthma Management

Frequently Asked Questions? (FAQ’s)

1. What is an Asthma Control Quiz?

An Asthma Control Quiz, like the one provided on our website, is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals evaluate their level of asthma control and assess how well they are managing their asthma symptoms.

2. Why should I take this Asthma Control Quiz?

Taking our Asthma Control Quiz can provide you with valuable insights into your asthma management. It helps you understand whether your asthma is well-controlled or if there’s room for improvement.

3. Is this Asthma Control Quiz a diagnostic tool for asthma?

No, the quiz is not a diagnostic tool for asthma. It serves as a self-assessment and awareness tool but should not replace a professional medical evaluation for an asthma diagnosis.

4. How long does it take to complete this Asthma Control Test?

Typically, our Asthma Control Test takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Take your time to answer the questions thoughtfully.

5. Are the results of this test accurate in evaluating my asthma control?

The results provide insights into your responses regarding asthma management. However, they should be viewed as a self-assessment rather than a clinical evaluation.

6. What aspects of asthma control does this Asthma Control Quiz assess?

The quiz may assess your asthma symptoms, medication usage, and overall well-being, helping you gauge your level of asthma control.

7. How can I use the results of this quiz effectively?

The results can help you identify areas where your asthma management may need improvement. You can use them to work closely with your healthcare provider to optimize your treatment plan.

8. Can I improve my asthma control based on the quiz results?

Yes, understanding your level of asthma control is the first step in improving it. With this awareness, you can work on enhancing asthma control through medication adherence, avoiding triggers, and other strategies.

9. Is this Asthma Control Quiz suitable for everyone?

Yes, the quiz is designed for individuals of various age groups who want to assess their asthma control.

10. Can I share my test results with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance?

Absolutely. Sharing the quiz results with your healthcare provider can provide valuable insights into your asthma control, assisting them in tailoring their support and recommendations to your specific needs.

This self-assessment quiz-based article was last reviewed for medical accuracy on 08 October, 2023. We are committed to providing reliable and current information regarding asthma and its management.